Just a simple Compass

We've been to this "office supplies" shop at Robinsons sta. rosa
my dear and i were lookin' fo' a compass, just a simple one ,
and we can't really find a working compass that is cheap.
we checked every section and on this glass closet we found it.
since it's locked we asked for assistance
sales person #1 came and i asked him if we can check on the compass
he replied..."sorry ma'm wala po kaming compass."
(sorry mam we don't have a compass)
(hahaha...my first laugh)
reminded me about the old folks saying "kung ahas yan tinuklaw ka na."
(if it would've been a snake it's attacking you already)
I pointed him the compass that's inside this glass
(and laughing inside me)
and he said "ah!"
he asked the sales person#2 for the key
and the sales person #2 asked me "ano po kailangan nila mam?"
(what do you need mam?)
and i said the same thing "check ko lang sana yung compass"
(wanna check out the compass)
and she apologized "ay...sorry mam wala po kaming compass."
(sorry mam we don't have a compass)
(waaaaaaaaaa..... hahahaha!!!!)
i can't help my self but laugh, laugh,laugh
and said it loud "and she said the same thing!!! hahahaha!!!"
we were laughing all the way.
but my darling got a working compass anyway
so it's worth the crazy laugh over the two sales persons.
still laughing...hahahaha

Posted by ShoZu

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